Graham's Law: "Under similar conditions of pressure (partial pressure) the rate of diffusion of different gases is inversely proportional to square root of the density of different gases."
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Graham's Law:

"Under similar conditions of pressure (partial pressure) the rate of diffusion of different gases is inversely proportional to square root of the density of different gases."

rate of diffusion $r \propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{d}} d=$ density of gas

$r=\text { volume flow rate }=\frac{d V_{\text {out }}}{d t}$

$r=\text { moles flow rate }=\frac{d n_{\text {out }}}{d t}$

$r=$ distance travelled by gaseous molecules per unit time $=\frac{ dx }{ dt }$

The general form of the Grahams law of diffusion shows the variation of rate of diffusion of a gas with pressure of gas, temperature of gas, area of cross-section of orifice and molecular mass of the gas.

Questions —

1. A bottle of dry $NH _{3} \&$ a bottle of dry $HCl$ connected through a long tube are opened simultaneously under identical conditions at both ends. The white ammonium chloride ring first formed will be:

(A) at the centre of the tube

(B) near the $HCl$ bottle

(C) near the $NH _{3}$ bottle

(D) throughout the length of tube

2. At room temperature, $A_{2}$ gas (vapour density $=40$ ) at $1 atm$ pressure and $B_{2}$ gas (vapour density = 10) at $p$ atm pressure are allowed to diffuse through identical pinholes from opposite ends of a glass tube of $1 m$ length and of uniform cross-section. The two gases first meet at a distance of $60 cm$ from the $A_{2}$ end. The value of $p$ is :

(A) $\frac{4}{3} atm$

(B) $\frac{1}{3} atm$

(C) $\frac{3}{4} atm$

(D) $\frac{1}{6} atm$

3. A mixture containing 2 moles of $He$ and 1 mole of $CH _{4}$ is taken in a closed container and made to effuse through a small orifice of container. Then, which is the correct effused volume percentage of $He$ and $CH _{4}$ initially, respectively :

(A) $40 \%, 60 \%$

(B) $20 \%, 80 \%$

(C) $80 \%, 20 \%$

(D) $60 \%, 40 \%$

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Answer —

1. → (B) near the $HCl$ bottle

2. → (B) $\frac{1}{3} atm$

3. → (C) $80 \%, 20 \%$


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