The values of $P_{C}$ and $T_{C}$ for two real gases X and Y (both gases have same molar mass) are given below.
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The values of $P_{C}$ and $T_{C}$ for two real gases $X$ and $Y$ (both gases have same molar mass) are given below.

$\begin{array}{lll}\text { Gases } & T_{C} & P_{C} \\ X & 100 K & 20 \text { atm } \\ Y & 200 K & 100 atm \end{array}$

Which of the following statements is incorrect for gases $X$ and $Y$, where symbols have their usual meanings:

(A) Gas X has a higher value of vanderwaal constant ' $a$ '

(B) Gas $Y$ has a lower value of vanderwaal constant 'b'

(C) Gas X has a lower value of critical density.

(D) Gas $Y$ shows lesser deviation from ideal behaviour than gas $X$.

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Statement (D) Gas $Y$ shows lesser deviation from ideal behavour than gas $X$. is incorrect for gases X and Y.


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